Business Package downloads

Download your Business Package Files Below

Business Package Downloads

You Have Two ✌Download Options. ​

The House Flipping Spreadsheet and Business Package files come as a Microsoft Office compatible downloads or Google Sheets/Google Docs compatible downloads.

Microsoft Office Downloads

Download Instructions

  1. Click the link above which will initialize a download to your Computer
  2. Click the file in your web browser which will automatically download the file to your 'Downloads' folder and open the file in Excel.

In Chrome

it's at the bottom of the window

In Internet Explorer

it's at the bottom of the window

In Firefox

it's in the toolbar in the upper right

In Safari

it's in the toolbar in the upper right

Google Downloads

Download Instructions

  1. Click the download link above.
  2. If you are not logged into Google you will be asked to log-in or create an account.
  3. Once you are logged-in, a new window will open that will ask you to 'Make a copy'.

Once you click 'Make a copy', the spreadsheet will begin to download to your Google Sheets account.  This may take about 30 seconds, so please be patient.


As of early 2018, Google has released some new security measures, so you may be presented with a 'unverfied app' warning.  We are currently working on getting the app verified, but until then the authorization you will have to authorize the app as detailed.

The spreadsheet is packaged with thousands of lines of programming.  This programming was built to help automate number crunching functions, navigations on the user interface, support messages/videos,  & other automated functionalities, so it's important to authorize the spreadsheet to allow the programming to trigger.  

Google Authorization