3 New Business Package Documents (Google)

We just added 3 new Business Package Documents for Google Docs that you can use to help you manage your rehab projects.

Download Our Free House Flipping Spreadsheet & Start Analyzing Deals & Start Estimating Rehab Costs Today!

3 New Business Package Documents (Google)

We just added 3 new Business Package Documents for Google Docs that you can use to help you manage your rehab projects.

  1. House Flipping Checklist (Google Docs)
  2. House Flipping Punchlist (Google Docs)
  3. Material Checklist (Google Sheets)​

Material Checklist

​The Materials Responsibility List on the right designates who's responsible for the materials for each scope of work on your project, which helps eliminate confusion and potentially disputes that may arise on the project

Material Responsibility List
Dave Robertson

Dave is a real estate investor & house flipper in Kansas City, MO and the founder & creator of the House Flipping Spreadsheet.

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New House Flipping Spreadsheet Start to Finish Video

We just posted a new detailed walkthrough of the entire House Flipping Spreadsheet template that can be used to help you analyze house flip deals, estimate rehab costs & manage your rehab projects.

New Case Study: How to Estimate Rehab Costs

In this case study, I will walk you through the numbers of my very first flip deal and discuss how you can use the House Flipping Spreadsheet to estimate rehab costs for your rehab projects.